The picturesque Calderwood Valley Golf Course hosted round 3 of the 2023/24 season. A healthy field of 41 ventured into the valley to play this beautiful layout. Unlike games of the past down there everyone managed to finish despite the blustery winds. Rod Coates can testify to the wind strength, having his entire buggy and bag blown into the dam. All equipment was eventually retrieved thanks to the assistance of Ben Lewis. Rod even managed to salvage his ciggies and lighter.


Winner on the day, who played in group 1 and avoided the later strong winds, was Brett Zanni who enjoyed a rare ‘day out’ accumulating 42 points. 2nd was Tim Love with 41 followed by Mitch Tremain with 38 and the improving Alan Gibbs with 37.


As usual the catering team turned out a sensational feed back at the pub, accompanied by the obligatory beer and wine.


The next game is a single stableford at The Vale on July 23rd, 7.00am tee off.


I cannot stress enough the importance of using your Monty’s card or App when purchasing drinks or food at Bally Pub. You get a 5% discount and the club gets a 10% rebate on every purchase. It is this rebate that keeps our match day fees at $40. Please download and use the App every time.


Please use Golf Mart, Wollongong as often as possible. Pete and Budge will give you a great deal and the club receives a 10% rebate to spend instore on every purchase. All you have to do is tell them you’re a member of the BHSGC.


See you at The Vale or at The Pub.


Peter G

Balgownie Golf Club - June 2023
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